Coaching ♡ Love Redefined
For polyamorous humans who are so over feeling lost in their love & sex lives and ready to write themselves into a new narrative of ‘Poly & Thriving’.
I see you trying to apply what you know from all the love stories you’ve ever heard to your polyamorous lifestyle and feeling frustrated, lost, and hopeless in the process. Wondering why it hasn’t worked out for you yet or if you should just give up and give into the vanilla version of love that was painted for you (the one that doesn’t reflect back your rainbow sherbert kinda soul).
But it doesn’t have to be like this, you get to rewrite yourself into your own story of happily ever after.
One where you get to have that feeling like you’ve done the impossible and are actually living a life, having the sex, being in love, and supported by the relationships that you only ever fantasized about before.
One where you get to stop just dreaming about how you want your life to look, and step straight into that dream.
Online Breathwork & Embodiment Playshops
You will be invited to regenerate your true love nature from the inside out with the tools of breath, sound, movement, mindfulness, & pleasure.
This is a 90 minute immersion into the bodymind that is deceptively simple and yet profoundly impactful for your entire system to receive.
By opening up to the breath you increase your body’s availability to the natural resources within. Through sound you unlock the primal, the wild, the soft, the truest parts of you that have been locked away. With movement your body has the chance to complete cycles of stress that you’ve been unconsciously holding and free up life force energy. Weaving mindfulness and shifting awareness allows you to ground, relax, resource, and be nourished by your experience even when it’s more intense or liberating. Pleasure then allows you to draw up new pathways for what it feels like to actually feel really fucking good that are more connected, more alive, and more true to your love nature than what you previously allowed yourself to feel.
Classes are tailored based on the energy and astrology of the moment, and can be tailored to align with your specific vision or intention for event and/or retreat style experiences. Options will always be provided for those who have asthma, are pregnant, menstruating, have a history of epilepsy or seizures, or anyone else who should not do intense breathwork. This is a class for every body.
Monthly online classes coming soon.
Buti® Yoga Classes
The only way to transform your body in a sustainable way is to fall in LOVE with your workout + wellness lifestyle. Buti® Yoga isn’t a workout; it’s a chance to create, let go, connect, and sweat with intention. Every time you step on your mat, you break through the emotional or physical barriers to set yourself free. This calorie-scorching workout fuses power yoga with cardio-intensive tribal dance + body sculpting movement. Created by Celebrity Trainer Bizzie Gold, Buti® Yoga utilizes the Spiral Structure Technique® to sculpt + tone the deep abdominal muscles that stabilize and strengthen the body. Instead of linear movements, Buti® favors movements that challenge the body along all planes of motion -THE RESULT- long, lean muscle with sexy feminine curves.
Kuala Tranta Yoga Classes
A 3 hour deep dive yoga class that invites you to get real nice and comfortable in the depth of silence within.
No music, no expectations, & no distractions from the dance of you and your own liberation through the power of this moving meditation.
With minimal guidance, the Kuala Tantra Yoga is designed to activate, balance, and regenerate your life force energy with active poses and simultaneously deep relaxation. Perfect for a retreat or day long event that will leave your participants feeling completely relaxed and completely alive at the same time.
Dynamic Community Events
Liberating in-person events and retreats for your polycule, team, or community weaving transformational community processes, forum, sacred theater, tantra, breathwork, dynamic movement, and more to deepen and expand the capacity to love & be loved exactly as we are.
Depending on your needs any or all of the services mentioned above can be included in this experience to create a truly unique and life changing experience.
~Begin the day with a breathwork and embodiment class to get everyone feeling alive and connected to their deeper selves.
~Using intimacy building games, tantric practices, and shamanic theater, we’ll go beyond the surface level of relating and deep into the juiciest levels of true human connection.~Introducing the ZEGG forum; what is it? What to expect? How to do it? Then dip a toe into introductory forum practices to get everyone acquainted with forum space.
~BUTI Yoga class to build and maintain a sense of connection to your center by activating and releasing the physical core. This is a fun practice that will get people sweating, laughing, and even crying… while gently releasing stored trauma in the body with shaking and releasing movements.
~Warm back up with a few more intimacy games
~The afternoon will be spent in continual layers of ZEGG style forum culminating in a full on forum style experience.
~Ending with smaller circles for deeper integration mentally, emotionally, and physically.
~Optional ecstatic dance party and/or cuddle party (whatever feels good and appropriate for your group)
This is just one possibility of how a day long retreat could look. Please reach out with your group size, length of retreat or event, location, and a vision or intention you’d like to create with me! This will help me put together an outline of what I feel would be best for me to offer as well as a quote for you.
Discover the playful depths of human connection with this profound transformational community process. Learn everything you need to know here!